In order to access these options, go to the PayPal website and click on the “ Help” tab. If you’re trying to contact PayPal outside of their customer support hours or if you don’t really want to speak to a live representative on the phone, there are a few other ways you may be able to receive help for your issue. You can also try dialing “0” or “00” to bypass the prompts, but this doesn’t always work.

When asked why you are calling, simply say “representative.” You may need to do this a couple of times before you’re transferred to the queue to wait for a customer service representative.

If you don’t know the information being asked or if you just want to speak to a live person ASAP, you can say “I don’t know.” If you’re calling from the phone number PayPal recognizes as associated with your account, the automated system will ask you questions to verify it’s you and direct you to the correct department. Once I dial the number, how do I speak to a real person at PayPal? General questions if calling from outside the U.S.: 1-40 Here are the main customer service phone numbers for PayPal: Which number you should use depends upon your question or issue. There are several different phone numbers you can call to speak to a real person at PayPal. How do I speak to a real person at PayPal? If you want a shorter wait time, try calling between 2 p.m. PayPal customer service is available from 4 a.m. When should I call to speak to a real person at PayPal? In today’s article, I will tell you the exact steps you can follow to speak to a real, live person at PayPal in order to find help for any problem or question you may have. If you’re one of the millions of people around the world who is using PayPal to send or accept money, there might come a time when you need to use their customer support to resolve an issue.